Following the demise of the influential pop-punk band Chisel, Ted Leo embarked on what began as an experimental solo career. His 1999 debut with Ted Leo & The Pharmacists fused punk, reggae and dub music, but he's gone in several other directions since: With the help of a full band, he's crafted a contagious and infectious sound that also incorporates pop, rock, soul, folk and more. Click the link above to hear Ted Leo & The Pharmacists perform live in concert from WXPN and World Cafe Live in Philadelphia.
Though many of Leo's supporting players have come and gone over the course of five full-length studio albums and several international tours, the band is largely driven by Leo's creative direction and boundlessly energetic live performances. In March, the group is set to release its sixth album, The Brutalist Bricks, so expect new material in this set.
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