Gary Lightbody, the lead singer of Snow Patrol, has assembled a supergroup under the name Tired Pony to explore his affinity for country music and American culture in general. The band includes Peter Buck and Scott McCaughey of R.E.M., Richard Colburn of Belle and Sebastian, and Snow Patrol's Iain Archer and his wife Miriam Kaufmann. The band's debut album, The Place We Ran From, also includes collaborations with She & Him and Editors.
Lightbody decided to assemble the group while touring the U.S. in 2009. The seven members holed up in Portland, Ore., for a week in January to record what Lightbody calls a "twisted love letter to the States." The album came out in July in the U.K. and hit American shelves on Sept. 28.
World Cafe host David Dye interviews Lightbody and Buck about the new project and plays live recordings from Tired Pony's introductory performance at the London Forum earlier this year.
This is a repeat performance of World Cafe.
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