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Federal Grant to Spur Economic Growth and Jobs

A regional partnership of the University of Pittsburgh's Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence, the Hill House Association, and the Pittsburgh Central Keystone Innovation Zone will share $1.95 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce to accelerate the creation of jobs and economic growth in underserved communities.

Cheryl Hall-Russell, President and CEO of the Hill House Association, said twenty such grants have been awarded around the country. In the first year, Hall-Russell said HHA will work with the Community College of Allegheny County to train 100 Hill District residents to advance to mid-level jobs. Business partners will identify needs they have in the health care and technology areas so jobs will be available. "We do a great job on entry level training and placement," said Hall-Russell, "but we hear often that moving up has been difficult." As people move up into careers, rather than just jobs, Hall-Russell said the infusion of higher salaries and stability will have a considerable long-term positive impact on the community.