Residents of Friendship may receive treats when answering their doors this evening rather than being asked to give out sugary snacks. The Black and Gold Goes Green campaign has organized with Friendship Community groups and volunteers to perform a reverse trick-or-treat tonight.
Lauryn Stalter, who organized the event, said the campaign puts a twist on traditional trick-or-treating.
"It's going to give neighbors a chance to go reverse trick-or-treating, so this means that they'll be going door to door and giving their neighbors bags of goodies that will help them save energy, save water, save money, and also help air and climate in Pittsburgh," Stalter said.
Stalter said the volunteers from the Friendship community will deliver a number of energy saving items to residents including power strips, CFL's, water saving items, and recycling bags.
The reverse trick-or-treaters will be dressed up just like the others on the streets tonight.
"We got some great volunteers from the neighborhood, and they get to go along their streets and maybe meet neighbors that they haven't ever gotten the chance to talk to before, and give them some great stuff," Stalter said.