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The Michigan primary roundup

US President Joe Biden speaks at the 2022 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan.
US President Joe Biden speaks at the 2022 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan.

Therewasa chance that this week’sMichigan primaries would be a pair ofsleeper contests. A sitting president and a former president are running in both races. They’veeachalreadyracked up wins in other states by large or overwhelming margins. 

But Michigan has proven a bitmore livelythan expected. The media spotlight has been fixed on the perpetual swing statedue to thestill active, if lopsided,Republican primary.  

And on theDemocraticside, PresidentJoe Biden swept another contest.Butthe details are what matter. There were concerns that a protest voteagainst the president wouldfollow more than a month ofreal-lifeprotests over hishandling of Israel’s war against Hamas.

What happened in Michiganon Tuesday? How much oftheDemocratic party’sbase,led byyoung people andasizeablepopulation of Arab–American voters,showed up tomake sure Bidenheard their discontent


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Michael Falero