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Thursday Rundown: A Good Ol' Fashioned Sit-in for Medical Marijuana

Tim Lambert

  These topics air Thursday May 1, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA.

A Medical Marijuana Sit-in

Supporters of legalizing medical marijuana in Pennsylvania are hoping a meeting with Governor Corbett might change his stance on the issue. They're threatening a sit-in if they don't get a response to their meeting request this week. 90.5 WESA's capitol correspondent Mary Wilson joins us to discuss developments.

Pittsburgh Marathon

The Pittsburgh Marathon is three days away and 30,000 runners will participate. The run-up to this year's race is a stark contrast to a year ago when it was in line to be the first major marathon in the U.S. to be staged after the Boston Marathon attacks. Pittsburgh Marathon race director Patrice Matamoros joins us for an overview.

Historic Coasters Across the State

Dorney Park, Hershey Park, Dutch Wonderland, Lakemont Park, Idlewild, Kennywood... Pennsylvania has some of the most historic amusement parks, and roller coasters, in the country. As amusement parks start coming to life for the season, David Witoslawski a McKeesport substitute school teacher and author of the book, Great Pennsylvania Amusement Parks Road Trip, gives us a guide to the state’s classic coasters and parks.

Out of State Amusement Parks

People chase their endless summer in different ways. Some visit ballparks, others beaches. A dedicated group of fun seekers visit amusement parks in search of the perfect roller coaster thrill ride. This week, travel contributor Elaine Labalme, suggests some out of state coasters to visit.

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