These topics air Monday June 9, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA. Join the conversation LIVE between 12pm & 1 pm weekdays at 412-246-2002.
Single Payer Health Care
What does Single Payer Health Care look like? One need look no further than England, home to the world's largest single-payer health system? How does it work? And would it work in the United States? We'll pose these questions and more to Sir David Nicholson, former CEO of England's National Health Service.
Three Rivers Arts Festival
The Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival got underway over the weekend. This year, the annual celebration made up of concerts, art exhibits and food has a decidedly green component. Joining us to provide an overview of this year’s festival is Three River Arts Festival director Veronica Corpuz.
100 Things for Pirates Fans
100 Things Pirates Fans Should Know and Do Before They Die is a new book written by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Sunday sports editor Steve Ziants who has assembled various facts, traditions and achievements to educate and entertain true fans. Mr. Ziants joins us to discuss the "ultimate resource guide for true Pirates fans."
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