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Pittsburgh Marathon Runners Can Expect a 26.2 Mile-Long Festival

With 30,000 runners and more charities than ever before the Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon and its organizers are fully prepared for the race this Sunday.

Race Director Patrice Matamoros said this year there are a few additions to this year’s marathon, including the starting line. 

“We’re further up Liberty, right near the August Wilson Center. We’re able to get all of our participants on one road, which is Liberty, instead of fanning out on Stanwix. The other thing that we’re doing that’s new and improved, but not necessarily new, is the activation that we have going on in the neighborhoods is absolutely phenomenal this year. We’ve reached out and made over 200 contacts with local community groups so we can create a festival 26.2 miles long.”

Security will stay the same as last year to ensure the safety of the runners and Matamoros said, with all of the revenue raised in charity program, 90% will return to the city of Pittsburgh.