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Records, Beer and Snoop Dogg: Social Club November 6th

    While we can always hope for an artisanal water party, we will live in reality and enjoy some of these amazing events going on in Pittsburgh this weekend! Josh from WESA and Rachel from Yelp Pittsburgh tell you everything you need to know post-Halloween. Let’s celebrate Christmas! Just kidding…not yet.

Pittsburgh Record Fest # 14 is this Friday at Spirit. Buy and sell vinyl and enjoy a night-time record swap! Join for music, booze and more!

November Food Truck Roundup is happening this Saturday at Brew Gentlemen Beer Co in Braddock. Enjoy some of the best food trucks Pittsburgh has to offer including Leona’s Ice Cream Sandwiches!

Pittsburgh Vintage Mixer (Fall Edition) at the Teamster Hall, Local 249 in Lawrenceville is this weekend. There is a Night Owl Preview party Friday if you want to get some deals before everyone else! Get your vintage on Friday and Saturday!

Polish Fest ’15 is this Sunday at the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland. Celebrate all things Polish with live folk dance music, Polish food and more. Be sure to also check out the Nationality Rooms in the Cathedral of Learning!

Beers of the Burgh Winter Warmer is this Saturday on the South Side. Enjoy and sample beers from all over the ‘burgh and prep yourself for the winter months coming up! They say beer makes you warmer. That’s just science. Come out and try something new!

Chef’s Best Dish is Tuesday, November 10th. Come down to the South Side and enjoy top creations from Pittsburgh’s best restaurants! Get a special sneak peak of some new dishes and restaurants to come!

And stop everything because Snoop Dogg is coming to Diesel Lounge. He will be spinning as DJ Snoopadelic this Sunday.