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The Victorian Chautauqua

The Victorian Chautauqua

Located near Deep Creek Lake, Mountain Lake Park celebrates its founding with a free Victorian Chautauqua weekend following the 4th of July. Historical performances, lectures, live music, vendors and artisans, food, trolley bus tours, and activities relive a bygone era that began as a planned community along the B&O Railroad. Nestled in the registered Historic District of Mountain Lake Park in the Appalachian Mountains of Maryland, everyone becomes immersed in Victorian charm. Besides the regular program schedule, you can also enjoy many activities that include a Model T showcase, Wheelman demonstrations, commission a tintype photograph or a hand-cut silhouette portrait, or tour the Historic Ticket Office Museum. Take a relaxing stroll along the tree-lined streets with a self-guided tour map of the summer cottages built around the turn of the last century.

Mountain Lake Park
11:00 AM - 07:30 PM, every day through Jul 10, 2022.

Event Supported By

Mountain Lake Park Historical Association, Inc.
Mountain Lake Park
301 G Street
Mountain Lake Park, Maryland 21550