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Vagus Nerve Somatic Therapy Workshop

Vagus Nerve Somatic Therapy Workshop

You deserve relaxation. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by endless tasks, never pausing until we finally collapse into bed. Then, we repeat the cycle all over again the next day.

Find peace and relaxation with our Vagus Nerve Somatic Therapy Workshop, where we unravel the mysteries of the vagus nerve and its pivotal role in our body’s basic functions.

Our 2-hour workshop will begin with a soothing session in our Salt Cave. As soon as you step into our tranquil sanctuary, the healing glow of the Salt Cave will envelop you, creating a gentle mist of fine salt particles that promotes deep relaxation and a profound sense of well-being.

We’ll seamlessly transition into our Yoga Therapy room where you will learn simple yet powerfully effective vagus nerve exercises to quiet your overactive mind, increase vagal tone, and alchemize stored tension and anxiety into profound relaxation and tranquility.

Upon completing this workshop, you’ll gain enhanced skills in self-soothing and effectively manage challenging situations.

Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM on Thu, 23 May 2024

Event Supported By

Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh
Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh
2539 Monroeville Blvd
Monroeville, Pennsylvania 15146