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Pittsburgh Ranks Eighth in Car-Less Commuting

From biking, to walking, to riding public transit, depending on your neighborhood, commuting to work in Pittsburgh can be easily accomplished without driving a car.

The Institute for Quality Communities at the University of Oklahoma (IQCUO) agrees and has ranked Pittsburgh 8th among big cities for car-less commuting. After sifting through census bureau data by the American Community Survey on primary means of transportation to work, Pittsburgh emerged as a biker-walker friendly city.

“Biking is really starting to be a trend in the United States,” says Shane Hampton, fellow at IQCUO, “and it’s really an accessible alternative.”

He thinks the separate bicycle lanes throughout the city have been key in encouraging residents to bike to work. He points to the accomplishments of Portland and Minneapolis, which have tripled biking commuters, as examples of the infrastructure changes that can happen within the city.

Hampton is enthusiastic about the advocacy of the Peduto administration for bicycle infrastructure and says that continued policy changes will bring Pittsburgh even higher in the rankings.