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Imagine! Career Week Kicks Off, Seeks to Prepare Area Youth for Jobs

The Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board kicked off its eighth annual Imagine! Career Week Monday morning with 120 employers, educators and community partners seeking to prepare area youth to step into the many jobs now held by people nearing retirement.  

During the week, about 5,000 students will leave their classrooms to experience the many opportunities open to them in the financial and healthcare sectors, trades and the global economy, according to Executive Director Stefani Pashman.  

"Whether it makes sense for them to go into a service-oriented career that requires a four-year degree or a job requiring technical, hands-on knowledge that may mean some training or some community college credentialing post-high school," Pashman said. "We have youth thinking about the innovation economy, how to make things, and predecessor jobs for manufacturing and technology."

Pashman said Career Week also lets students know about summer internships and inspires companies to invest in those internships. And there’s support for teachers and school districts to bring some career focus into their classrooms.

Charlee Song has been covering news for 90.5 FM since 2000—an opportunity she considers a great privilege. She finds almost every assignment interesting and really enjoys working with both the veterans and interns at WESA.