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Friday June, 28th 2013 How Will Immigration Reform Change the Country?


These topics air Friday in the noon hour on 90.5 WESA

Immigration Reform
Thursday afternoon the Senate passed an extensive immigration reform bill. However, critics believe the bill could run into trouble in the Republican controlled House.  This is the first major immigration reform since 1986 when Congress passed a bill giving potential amnesty to more than three million undocumented immigrants. What’s different this time and how will immigration reform change the country? We’ll talk with immigration attorney and former U.S. diplomat Kamana Mathur.  Also taking part in the conversation will be immigration attorney Rohit Dharwadkar.Home Renovation, A Love Story
Earlier this month we took listeners on a tour of historic houses in the Observatory Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, where residents have restored their homes to early 20th century splendor with some modern conveniences. While the do-it-yourself home makeover isn’t as quick and easy as those on HGTV, what  they have in common is the unexpected drama of renovation. Essential Pittsburgh Assistant Producer, Heather McClain explored the challenges of the home restoration and renovation process. From some of the horror stories, to resources with a uniquely Pittsburgh quality.

Being App Certain About Mobile Device Security
Many parents find it’s important to monitor their child's screen time on the home computer. But mobile devices like smart phones and tablets are swiftly becoming the most prominently used computers in our lives. So how do you monitor your child's internet use when mobile apps make it possible to be online all the time, in any location? Pittsburgh based software company, App Certain helps give parents a window into the behavior of the mobile apps their kids are downloading. Spencer Whitman CEO of App Certain, is our guest.

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