With less than a week until the healthcare enrollment deadline, and tax season underway, Judith Herron, a CPA with Markovitz-Dugan and Associates in Green Tree explains how the Affordable Care Act will impact filing.
How will the Affordable care Act impact individuals?
- You'll face a penalty if you do not purchase insurance at all
- Additional taxes for people with higher incomes
- Individuals who do not get coverage through their employers may also be eligible for tax credits when they purchase health insurance through the Health insurance Marketplace
- Individuals must file a tax return to get the credit and it is refundable
Strategies to consider for this year & next year
- Investigate options for tax advantaged health insurance plans
- Taxpayers facing the Net Investment Income Tax (NII) should consider regrouping business activities
How does the Affordable care Act impact Businesses this year?
- Employers with 25 employees who pay at least half of their employee’s health insurance premiums may be eligible for a tax credit of up to 35% of that cost per full time employee.
- Credit increases to up to 50%, but employers must purchase their insurance through the Small Business Health Options program to qualify
- Starting in 2015 employers with more than 50 FTEs will be required to offer affordable health coverage that provides a minimum level of coverage to full time employees and their dependents
- If they fail to comply they will be subject to penalties in 2016, (based on 2015 plan enrollment & employee data) but the payments for those will not be included in any business tax returns.
Strategies for employers to consider
- Talk through options with your insurance advisor
- Be clear about the status of your workers in terms of contractor vs. employee