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Tuesday Rundown: Singing Out for the Love of Pete Seeger

These topics air Tuesday April 29, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA.

"Sing Out for Pete"

This Saturday the First Unitarian Church in Shadyside, the place that opened its doors to Pete Seeger in 1962, is holding a Pete Seeger Tribute concert. On that day Seeger, who passed away in January, would have been 95 years old. Joining us in studio is the tribute's coordinator Ginny Hildebrand and by phone is musician Mike Stout, who has performed with Seeger.

Meals for Marathon Training from Gretchen McKay

The Pittsburgh Marathon happens this weekend. For the thousands of people who have been training for the event, the proper foods can make all the difference in race day performance. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette food writer Gretchen McKay has been training for the 2014 Pittsburgh Marathon and she’s written a series of articles on meal ideas. She talks about nutrition and recipes for getting through the home stretch of training, and even that recovery period after the big race.

WESA Celebrates - Denise Zellous

Once homeless and addicted to drugs Denise Zellous is now helping others who are struggling with those issues. Denise and her work are profiled in this week’s edition of WESA Celebrates.

The Business of Recycling

Now that Spring is here, households and businesses are no doubt doing some spring cleaning. But if you want to help the environment or earn some additional cash, where and how do you recycle some of the items you're discarding? This week contributor Rebecca Harris looks at the business of recycling.

To leave a question or comment before or after the show dial 412-256-8783. Join the conversation LIVE between noon & 1 pm weekdays at 412-246-2002. More Essential Pittsburgh segments can be heard here

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