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Thursday Rundown: Deadline Looms for Civic Arena Site

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These topics air Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 at noon and 8 p.m. on 90.5 WESA. Join the conversation LIVE between noon and 1 p.m. weekdays at (412) 246-2002.

Igloo Site Development Deadline

The Pittsburgh Penguins won the rights to develop the 28-acre site of the now demolished Civic Arena, which the Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Sports & Exhibition Authority own, in the 2007 deal to build the CONSOL Energy Center.

Under that agreement, the team was to draw down the first parcel by Oct. 31 or possibly lose the development rights. The Penguins are asking the city and county to push that deadline back a year. One of the those who opposes the granting of that request is Pittsburgh City Councilman Daniel Lavelle who represents the Hill District. He says the Penguins and Hill District leaders are still at odds over minority participation in the project and how much affordable housing will be built on the site.

Lavelle joins us along with Marimba Milliones, Executive Director of the Hill Community Development Corporation, to discuss the future of the site.

Cross Fit

One of the biggest fitness trends in recent years is Cross Fit. The extreme workout combines cardiovascular training and weightlifting. One of the trademarks of the program is its intensity which can take a serious toll on some participants. Joe Vennare, co-founder of Fittsburgh joins us for a look at the pros and cons of cross fit workouts. Also taking part in the conversation is Jim Crowell, an elite Cross Fit athlete, trainer and former co-owner of Integrated Fitness, a cross fit facility.

To leave a question or comment before or after the show dial (412) 256-8783. More Essential Pittsburgh segments can be heard here.

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