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Monday Rundown: New York's Ban on Fracking and Pennsylvania Shale Issues in 2015

These topics air Monday January 5, 2015 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA. Join the conversation LIVE between 12pm & 1 pm weekdays at 412-246-2002.  

New York's Ban on Fracking

Last month the state of New York voted to ban fracking. While many celebrated this news some saw their visions of an economic boom go bust. We’ll get a first-hand account of this latest development from journalist Tom Wilber who covers shale gas developments. We’ll also talk with Reid Frazier, a reporter for the Allegheny Front, about what impact, if any, New York’s decision could have on Pennsylvania and how the commonwealth’s shale industry may change under the governorship of Tom Wolf.


Developing an assistive brace for people with Parkinson’s disease was more than a humanitarian act for Courtney Williamson; it was personal. It has also served as her entrance into the medical devices industry. We’ll meet Courtney Williamson and discover how Carnegie Mellon University is aiding in her passion for care giving.

Pittsburgh Fitness Challenge

It’s a new year and many are resolving to get in shape. Our fitness contributor Joe Vennare is on a mission to help Pittsburghers get in shape in 2015 by taking the Fitness Challenge. He’ll help us get started and fill us in on healthy events taking place in the Steel City in January.

To leave a question or comment before or after the show dial 412-256-8783. More Essential Pittsburgh segments can be heard here

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