Ten thousand people in southwestern Pennsylvania are living with Parkinson's disease. The first-ever "Moving Day" walk in Pittsburgh this Saturday aims to bring together as many of them as possible.
Sponsored by the local chapter of the National Parkinson Foundation, Moving Day stresses the need to stay active for those with Parkinson's disease.
Executive Director Barb Farrell of the NPF's Western Pennsylvania Chapter said volunteers will lead participants in yoga, Pilates, tai chi, and dance, in addition to the two-mile walk at North Park.
"People living with PD can come and learn the importance of how exercise can keep them mobile, from a physical standpoint, from an emotional standpoint," said Farrell. "And we have the opportunity to give them additional education information, anything that's new on research. We have the opportunity to touch everybody in different ways."
Farrell said it's also a way to increase awareness of the disease and raise money for Parkinson's research. On Thursday, the Pittsburgh Moving Day walk had received about half of its fundraising goal of $155,000.
The walk follows a "gentle" two-mile route through North Park, at Southridge near the swimming pool. Registration begins at 8:30 on Saturday morning, and the walk starts at 10:00 AM. The Moving Day website has registration information and more details.