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Sandwich Monday: The Dunkin' Donuts Eggs Benedict Breakfast Sandwich

Portable Eggs Benedict is a real blow to the already-suffering fork industry.
Portable Eggs Benedict is a real blow to the already-suffering fork industry.

Making foods portable has long been a focus of food engineers. Gogurt did it for Yogurt, the McLeash made it easier to drag all your favorite McDonald's foods along with you. And now, by turning the open-faced sandwich closed and upping the viscosity of its Hollandaise, Dunkin' Donuts has brought portability to Eggs Benedict.

Miles: The full name is Eggs Benedict Arnold, because this sandwich is a traitor to everything breakfast should stand for.

Peter: I'm happy Dunkin's is going more upscale. I'm looking forward to the sous vide Munchkins.

Ian: I'd just like to point out how disturbing this choice on the Dunkin' Donuts website is:


Ian: Carrier. It's infected with Eggs Benedict but is not yet showing symptoms.

Miles: Typhoid Benedict.

It's Robert's birthday, so we melted down some candles and mixed them with the Hollandaise in his sandwich.
It's Robert's birthday, so we melted down some candles and mixed them with the Hollandaise in his sandwich.

Ian: I always get mixed up on the grammar. It's Eggs Benedict, like attorneys general, right?

Robert: Lives Threatening.

Mikey doesn't like it.
Mikey doesn't like it.

Peter: Finally, a gourmet brunch the same diameter as your cup holder.

Robert: Yeah, it's great to be able to enjoy brunch on my drive in to work, but if I get pulled over, it might be hard to explain the mimosa.

Ian: OK, "brunch" is "breakfast" plus "lunch," so this is technically "brisgusting."

[The verdict: a split decision on this one. I liked it. Peter liked it. Robert started crying and we haven't seen Mike in an hour. I think the high-viscosity Hollandaise is a real marvel of engineering, and the proof is that I did not spill one drop on my pants.]

Sandwich Monday is a satirical feature from the humorists at Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!

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Ian Chillag