It's one thing to write a song about a friend's murder. It's another to make a music video about it. That's the delicate line that directors John Komar and Reza Iman had to balance for Into It. Over It.'s "The Shaking Of Leaves." Yet difficult nuances are explored here, related via an animated story about a dog that leaves an abusive owner.
Into It. Over It. is the long-running project of Evan Weiss, who writes:
Over a year in the making, John Komar and I had been going back and forth perfecting this video for quite some time. The initial storyboard had gone through multiple changes and ideas until we landed on the final theme. The most difficult part was coming up with something for the bridge section of the song — conveying the lyrics (about a very serious and sensitive topic) while still giving the story an optimistic outcome. This song was written for my fallen friend Mitch Dubey. The video was designed and written with him in mind. I think he would have loved it.
Intersections is out now on Triple Crown Records.
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