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Vote for the Best of Essential Pittsburgh 2014

As the year comes to an end, we’re looking back on highlights of Essential Pittsburgh in 2014 and airing listener favorites. 

We've tapped into sounds and topics of the region, both in our studio and out in the community.

- Host Paul Guggenheimer got out on the ice for a curling lesson, just in time for the Winter Olympics.

Brett Keisel talked about playing for the NFL into his late 30s.

Dan Rather gave his take on journalism in the 21st century.

- Performance artist etta cetera married the city of Pittsburgh. 

- We talked with LeVar Burton about how his record-breaking Kickstarter campaign will help to encourage a new generation of readers.

- Our community forum with Mayor Bill Peduto and Acting Police Chief Cameron McLay bolstered a growing dialogue about community/police relations.

Tell us about your favorite Essential Pittsburgh guests and stories of the year. 

Scroll through the Essential Pittsburgh page and submit some of the most memorable Essential Pittsburgh moments for you from 2014. Connect with us at or on Twitter at @esspgh. Catch our year-in-review programming in the last weeks of December, featuring some of your picks.