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Asking for Advice May Be All the Advice You Need

Raul Valdes-Perez
Ganador Press

Raul-Valdes Perez was co-founder, chairman, and nine-year CEO of Vivisimo. He's also the author of Advice is for Winners: How to Get Advice for Better Decisions in Life and Work. He claims the secret to his success is simple: ask for advice when making decisions and you will be more successful.

According to Perez people who need help should ask: What is the task at hand? Do we have enough knowledge and experience to do this confidently? What area of the task do I need help with? Who can help me? How can I reach out to them?

Perez also points out that overconfidence is a major reason for mistakes.

“No matter how smart you are, there’s someone smarter than you.” He says the key to solving those problems is to find that smarter person and ask them for help.