The latest mix from All Songs Considered includes a sneak preview of Andrew Bird's highly anticipated new album Break It Yourself, the hypnotic harmonies of Julianna Barwick, sweet pop from Hospitality and a couple of albums picked solely for their cover art, from the bands Thee American Revolution and Artificial Lover. Also on the show: the surprising and elusive music of Spoek Mathambo, and NPR Music's Frannie Kelley joins hosts Bob Boilen and Robin Hilton to share one of her favorite new hip-hop songs of the year from a group of Atlanta musicians, including DJ Burn One, recording as iNDEED.
Want to be on All Songs Considered? Dedicate a song to someone for Valentine's Day and we may play it, and your dedication, on next week's show. Go to our Soundcloud page and record or upload a recording of yourself telling us about your dedication. (We don't need the song, just you telling us your story.)
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