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Pennsylvania’s Impact Fee Will Generate More Than $200 Million

Penn­syl­va­nia has col­lected $197 mil­lion in impact fee rev­enue, and will take in nearly $206 mil­lion, once 23 energy com­pa­nies pay the out­stand­ing bal­ances they owe the state.

The $206 mil­lion fig­ure, released by the Pub­lic Util­ity Com­mis­sion Mon­day after­noon, mir­rors pre­dic­tions StateIm­pact Penn­syl­va­nia made in Feb­ru­ary, when the $50,000-per-horizontal well pay­ment scheme was finalized.

Read more of this story and find a list of how much money each drilling company paid at our partner StateImpact Pennsylvania's website.