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Courtney Barnett, 'Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party' (Live At SXSW)

"This song's for anybody who couldn't make into this show, if there is anybody," Courtney Barnett says before blasting through "Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party," from her just-over-the-horizon debut album, Sometimes I Sit And Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit.The modesty is cute but unnecessary; Barnett has the attention of many crowds at SXSW 2015, and a live show that can hold it. Barnett writes lyrics that start out commonplace and meander down her neural pathways, taking random tangents, until they wind up finding a corner that manages to be profound while remaining plainspoken. The Australian songwriter's charged live shows shamble in a different direction. At the head of a trio making a grunge-y racket that never overwhelms her vocals, Barnett howls, mumbles, smiles and bounces her way into your heart. It looks like she's having an unbelievable time — no wonder crowds are falling in line.

Set List

  • "Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party"
  • Credits

    Producers: Saidah Blount, Mito Habe-Evans; Technical Director: Kevin Wait; Videographers: AJ Wilhelm, Katie Haye Luke, Morgan Walker, Carlos Waters; Audio: Timothy Powell/Metro Mobile, Kevin Wait; Photography: Adam Kissick; Production Assistants: Lizzie Chen, Marjorie Clifton, Mary Pryor; Special Thanks: SXSW, Stubb's BBQ; Executive Producer: Anya Grundmann

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