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Later, Longer Carnegie Library Hours

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh customers will now have greater access to programs, materials, and facilities.

Beginning on Monday, February 20, most Pittsburgh Library locations will stay open later, and in some cases reopen on Saturdays. In total, library users will gain an additional 119 hours per week of library availability.

The new hours are in direct response to feedback from customers who were previously affected by cuts in library service due to budget constraints.

Suzanne Thinnes, spokesperson for the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, said the extension of library hours is exciting for any library user.

"This is the first time in, I would say, around 10 to 12 years, that the library was able to add library hours to our neighborhood locations," Thinnes said.

According to Thinnes, it was the support of the public that allowed the library to extend its hours.

"We received more donations last year than in the entire history of the library," Thinnes said. "So having individual donations and individuals that see the value of supporting the library is important."

Thinnes also said there will be more initiatives coming.

"We also include funding in our budget this year to increase outreach services, so that means that there will be more library services to schools and to neighborhoods that might not physically have a library building. We're able to purchase additional library materials, such as online resources, books, and databases."

In November, voters in Pittsburgh approved a new 0.25 percent property tax dedicated to funding the library system.