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In Northeast Pennsylvania, Methane Migration Means Flammable Puddles And 30-Foot Geysers

Last Sep­tem­ber, Chesa­peake Energy CEO Aubrey McClen­don declared to a Philadel­phia energy con­fer­ence that the prob­lem of methane migrat­ing through the ground near nat­ural gas drilling sites had been fixed. "Prob­lem iden­ti­fied. Prob­lem solved," he told an industry-heavy crowd at the Philadel­phia Con­ven­tion Center.

Nearly a year later, Brad­ford County res­i­dent Michael Leighton is wor­ried about the flam­ma­ble gas seep­ing into his woods.

Read the full story with our partner StateImpact Pennsylvania.