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Concerned About the NSA? There’s an App for That

In the wake of the government snooping scandal and the NSA admitting to have obtained personal data from Google, Microsoft, Apple and other technology companies, there is a growing concern for the safety of our digital information.

Consumers are eager to make sure that their e-mails, texts, browsing habits and all technological data remain private. Research programmers at Carnegie Mellon University’s CyLab say that they have created an app, now available in iTunes and for Android, that provides people with a way to keep snoopers at bay.

The program known as SafeSlinger has been in the works for the past two years and allows users to gain control over their exchanged messages and information and ensures the authenticity of the person they are speaking to.

Michael Farb, a research programmer on the project, says it has been well tested.

“We’ve had network security experts in and out of the classroom examine, test, and play with the program and make sure the end user is protected,” Farb says.

For more information on how SafeSlinger works visit

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