Low-budget horror and sci-fi films terrify and entertain audiences despite their anti-Hollywood feel.
Author Brian Albright documented the best and worst of these flicks as well as their shooting locations in his book Regional Horror Films, 1958- 1990: A State-by-State Guide with Interviews. He says many of the films were crafted by producers without extensive horror movie experience.
“Their take is a lot more interesting with a lot more melodrama,” he explains, specifically in reference to The Blob.
The film came out of Good News Productions, a studio previously known for Christian missionary films and was shot near Philadelphia in the 1950’s.
Albright says that oftentimes the popularity of horror films increased during turbulent cultural eras such as the 1930’s Depression, and regionally during the 1970’s steel decline.
He also adds that the ways in which these films were marketed nationwide could range anywhere from a fake monster protest in New York to vampire teeth and bags of bloods distributed at movie theaters.