These topics air Tuesday June 3, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA. Join the conversation LIVE between noon & 1 pm weekdays at 412-246-2002.
New Tools for the Fight Against Blight
Like many other older industrial cities, the Pittsburgh region has its share of blight. According to the most recent data from the 2010 census, there are more than 50 thousand vacant houses in Allegheny County. For more than a century, federal, state and city governments have tried to address the issue. As 90.5 WESA’s Larkin Paige-Jacobs reports on a new generation of tools is being used to try and clean up blighted neighborhoods.
Community Design For A Changing Demographic
In our quest to battle blight, how can neighborhood improvements accommodate the current residents and the next generation? How can we revitalize in a way that's adaptive to changing demographics? The Design Center helps local neighborhoods create community driven development plans. We'll talk about this with Chris Koch, interim CEO of the Design Center, along with project consultants Rob Pfaffmann, an architect and designer, and Todd Poole Managing principal and president of 4Ward Planning.
WESA Celebrates - Ruth Ann Dailey
The subject of this week’s WESA Celebrates profile is Ruth Ann Dailey. Ms. Dailey’s can-do attitude is helping to transform a run-down north side town into a desirable place to live.
The Business of Golf
Golf has been described as a good walk spoiled. Interest in the sport increased with the rise of Tiger Woods who brought a new generation of fan’s to the sport. However, recent news stories on CNN and Bloomberg news report a declining interest in the game. This week, contributor Rebecca Harris looks at the business of golf.
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