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Friday Rundown: Will Personal Items Sent to the Moon Be Viewed as Trash or Treasure?

These topics air Friday December 12, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA. Join the conversation LIVE between 12pm & 1 pm weekdays at 412-246-2002.

NFL Owners OK Tougher Penalties for Domestic Violence

NFL owners have voted unanimously to adopt six game minimum suspensions for domestic or sexual violence and other crimes. The changes come after the NFL was criticized for its handling of alleged off-field violence by high profile players. But will the players go along? We'll talk with John Affleck, Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society at Penn State.

High Policy Weeds of Health Care

We’ll talk with Carnegie Mellon University Health Law professor Gary Kaplan about how Pennsylvania’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act could change under the Wolf administration. Professor Kaplan represents private employers in advising them on health care plan options. So what do employers need to know about the UPMC and Highmark contract in 2015?

Send Your Stuff to the Moon

So, your life's dream has always been to send something to the moon? You may soon have your chance. A Pittsburgh company called Astrobotic is introducing a new service called "MoonMail" that will allow individuals to send their keepsakes to the surface of the moon. But with who's permission, and for what purpose? We'll talk with Astrobotic CEO John Thornton about the future of space freight.

To leave a question or comment before or after the show dial 412-256-8783. More Essential Pittsburgh segments can be heard here

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