After the House failed to pass a plan to pay for roads, bridges and mass transit last June, there is renewed speculation about another possible vote on a transportation funding proposal.
Renewed interest in lobbying efforts stems from the imposed weight limits on over 1,000 bridges in Pennsylvania.
There have been talks about the house discussing a multi-million dollar bill but there is a lot of skepticism about this possibility as it is clear it would not be passed if the bill is brought up. But it could be a sign that the House will pass a smaller bill.
One of the big issues that the state government has to figure out is how to get the funding to fix the bridges. The controversial and obvious way would be to raise taxes or fees to get the needed increase for infrastructure development. But, there is another solution that Mary Wilson, 90.5 WESA’s Capitol Bureau Chief, says is another “tool in the toolbox.”
This tool is Public-Private partnerships which have already been approved and as of right now these partnerships will be used to replace the decrepit bridges.