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Thursday Rundown: New Pitt Chancellor and the View From the Top

These topics air Thursday, August 14, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA.  Join the conversation LIVE between 12pm & 1pm weekdays at 412-246-2002. 

The New Pitt Chancellor

Patrick Gallagher, the new chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh, is our guest. The Pitt alum officially took office on August 1st. With a number of universities seeing declining enrollments and budget cuts we'll ask how he plans to tackle these challenges as well as his vision for Pitt's future.

High Point Pittsburgh Project

The Empire State Building, CN and Sears Towers are famous tourist destinations for viewing their cities. Can the U.S. Steel Tower be added to that list? That's what David Bear, creator of the High Point Pittsburgh Project, is hoping for. He thinks we ought to have an observation deck atop the building. He'll explain his plan and how he thinks it will benefit  the citizenry of Pittsburgh.

Fitness Technology

Whether it's a pedometer or an app tracking your calories there's no shortage of technological devices to track your fitness endeavors. But, do they work? Are they necessary? How long do people actually use them? We'll pose those questions to Joe Vennare, co-founder of the online fitness and health magazine Fittsburgh.

To leave a question or comment before or after the show dial 412-256-8783. More Essential Pittsburgh segments can be heard here.

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