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Friday Rundown: Mayor Ed Pawlowski on Building a Better Allentown

These topics air Friday October 24, 2014 at noon and 8pm on 90.5 WESA. Join the conversation LIVE between 12pm & 1 pm weekdays at 412-246-2002.

Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski

Pittsburgh is often hailed as a success story of Rust Belt recovery. Despite the lyrics of a certain Billy Joel song, Allentown, PA is also gaining ground as a more broadly based, post-industrial economy. Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski is in Pittsburgh talking with local officials and sharing his experiences as Mayor of the 3rd largest city in the Commonwealth. He joins us to discuss the moves that Rust Belt cities can make to rebuild their economies in the twenty-first century.

44th Annual Pitt Jazz Seminar and Concert

The 44th annual Jazz Seminar and Concert will take place next week. WESA Jazz host Bob Studebaker previews the event with Geri Allen, director of the Jazz Studies program at the University of Pittsburgh. 

To leave a question or comment before or after the show dial 412-256-8783. More Essential Pittsburgh segments can be heard here

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